Thursday, December 20, 2018

visiting Tane Mahuta Kauri tree day 2 activity 1

hi bloggers,

 Yazmine back again with another blog post of the week so in today's activity for Day two .
So for today's activity we were asked to write about visiting a kauri tree called Tane Mahuta in the
North islands. Some family's go to visit that tree every year as a family tradition do you? 
so we were asked two write about if we wanted two go visit it or if we not wanted two hope you enjoy. would you like two visit?

I would love two go visit the Kauri tree two see all the other family's go visit there it would be cool two see how the Kauri tree looks like. i want two see the Kauri tree  because i want two see how tall it is and i want two see if i am able two climb it i wonder if its the biggiest tree in the world or if its the smallest tree in the world and i also want to visit it because there might be lots of animals like singing birds that sound so beutiful and look so colourful with lost of different colours. 

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Yazmine,

    You seem very passionate about visiting Tāne Mahuta and things you could do there at Waipoua Forest, which is great. You mentioned wanting to be able to see whether you could climb it, but remember that Tāne Mahuta is a protected tree, do you think you should climb it? Would you be allowed?

    Next time it would be great to see some well taken photographs of Tāne Mahuta. You want people to be able to see a bit of what they can expect if the visit Waipoua Forest to see Tāne Mahuta. Where could you get some photos from?

    One day I would like to visit Tāne Mahuta so I can see the mighty tree up close. Kauri grow to be so tall and magnificent I’d love to visit Waipoua Forest in person as pictures don’t do this place justice.

    Keep up the good work and enjoy the sunshine.

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,



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